Payer Search Tool

Search for Payer Information

The Payer Search Tool helps you identify the electronic connectivity for the Payers/Insurance companies you work with. You can search by Payer Name or Payer ID. Note: some payers may have other Payer ID’s that are used dependently on the Clearing House participation.

Use the Payer ID that Henry Schein ONE has listed for participation through our services.

A green check box identifies which service is enabled for electronic participation for the payer you are searching for.

There are several Blue Cross Blue Shield and Medicaid payers that require additional information before they will accept electronic submissions from your office. You will see these in the sections marked with ‘Enrollment’ i.e. (Special Enrollment).

If you will be submitting claims to a payer that has a Special Enrollment, click on the and follow the instructions listed.

Request a Payer

If the insurance company you work with isn’t on the list or if they are on the list, but don’t provide the service you want, tell us about it. We’ll try to get them added.

Payer ID or Payer Name:
Payer ID Payer Name eClaims™ Special Enrollment Attachments Eligibility ELIG Pro ERA ERA Enrollment
00580Blue Cross Blue Shield of Maryland- Care First
AD060Blue Care Family Plan
02027Delta Dental Northeast (ME, NH, and VT)
02027Northeast Delta Dental
02027Martin’s Point Generation Advantage Claims
03036Blue Benefit Administrators of MA
03036Comprehensive Benefits Administrator -CBA (VT)
03036Employee Benefit Plan Administration (EBPA)
03964Elderwood Health
04218Pan American Life Insurance Group
04356Dental Care Plus (DentaQuest)
04614Delta Dental of Massachusetts
05029Delta Dental of Rhode Island
05030Delta Dental of Illinois
05030Pipe Fitters Local 597
06172Dart Management Corporation (Madison, MI)
07035DeCare Dental Health Insurance
07205Gilsbar, Inc.
08754Eddy Senior Care
10525Patient Advocates LLC
11198Delta Dental of New York
11244Fitzharris & Company Inc. (Claims are printed)
11752Claims Bridge HPN
12116Department of Veterans Affairs
12399Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana
13142Union Labour Life Insurance Company
13315Insurance Design Administrators
13317First Reliance Standard (NY Business)
13343Amalgamated National Health Fund
13411Standard Insurance Company of New York
13545United States Life Ins. (now American General Life Ins.)
13551Emblem Health (GHI)
135511199 National Benefit Fund of NY (PO Box 1149)
14142NYS DOH UCP- ADAP Program
14165MVP Health Plan of NY
15688Insurance Management Services (Amarillo, TX)
16105Univera of New York
16111POMCO (Paper)
16117LifeTime Benefits (RMSCO)
16180Aspen (Printed)
18014Aetna Medicare-Dental
20333Worksite Benefit Services
20377PacificSource Medicare
20572MSA Care Guard
22099DeCare - Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield (Commercial)
22099Horizon BCBSNJ
22099Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield - DeCare
22100Health Choice Integrated Care